2 New Heart Books!

I'm pleased to announce that I sold two more books in the "Heart" series -- futuristic fantasies set on the lost Earth Colony of Celta, currently scheduled for August, 2007 and July 2008.
Heart Match is the story of Saille T'Willow, the premier matchmaker of Celta, recently come into the title of the minor secondary character D'Willow (seen in Heart Duel). The heroine of the book is Dufleur Thyme, impoverished cousin of Ilex Winterberry (hero of the September release Heart Quest). Both these characters are introduced in Heart Quest. The first two lines of HEART MATCH are:
Dufleur watched the fresh pinecone wither before her eyes and fall into dust. This experiment with time was not going at all well.
Heart Fate is the long-awaited story of Tinne Holly and is currently a darker, more angst ridden story than I usually write -- the first chapters at least.
Thanks to my readers who have made this sale possible.
May your writing lead you to new insights today.
It's always fun to share good news.
Congrats Robin!!!!
WOOT - this is great news, Robin! Your heart books have been on my keeper shelves since I bought Heart Mate when it first came out.
More cats!
Thanks, folks. I've been working on Heart Match and avoiding the heat, so I've been late in dropping by.
I appreciate all the lovely words you send my way!
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