Why we're sooooo proud of Diana Peterfreund!!! by Marley Gibson
Today is the LAUNCH day for Diana Peterfreund's much anticipated debut novel SECRET SOCIETY GIRL.
And since I don't have a personal blog, the ladies of TKA have been kind enough to let me gush here for a moment about a very special person.
I don't remember the exact moment when I met Diana Peterfreund, but I do know that it was in the beginning year of eHarlequin.com in their writer's community. Soon, we became members of the same critique group and quickly learned that our voices (and critiquing styles) were not going to mesh well with the other writers. But she and I meshed.

(That's us in Reno last year!)
When I walked in throught the door of the Hilton hotel at RWA Nationals New York City 2003 (literally had just gotten off the Peter Pan bus from Boston), I was jumped. And I mean jumped! Clobber-hugged by this energetic, bouncy, friendly chick who recognized me immediately from my picture. (My husband remembers this vividly, wondering if he should come to my rescue. *giggle*) What can I say? Diana and I bonded immediately and have stayed close friends, supportive writing pals and hard-nosed critique partners.
And today...July 18th, Diana's debut novel, SECRET SOCIETY GIRL by Delacourt, hits the shelves and the world will now know the magic of her writing.
Earlier last night, in our daily Yahoo IM session, Diana noted to me the amazing feelings she's going through awaiting the release of her book and how taken aback (in a good way) by how positive, supportive and wonderful people are reacting...how people -- particularly other writers -- are so excited for her. "Why?" she asked me.
I'll tell you what I told her...
Because...Diana Peterfreund is a pro. From Day One of this thing we call writing, she has put her all into every word, every thought, every phrase of her writing. She has studied the industry, learned the business, researched agents and editors, scoped out the best conferences to go to and the most useful contests to enter. She has approached her writing career in nothing but a professional manner and encourages others to do the same.
Secondly, Diana Peterfreund is a giver. In this world, there are givers and takers. Some people sit on the sidelines and let other people do the work or try to ride on the coattails of those who are trying. Not Diana. She's a giver. She's donated countless hours to the RWA judging and coordinating contests. She critiques for people. She's on blogs and loops and message boards sharing her industry knowledge and trying to help newbies understand the business. Give, give, give. That's always been her mantra, although she'd never sing her own praises or expect anyone else to do it.
Thirdly, Diana Peterfreund is a good soul. She tirelessly helps other writers, supports her friends, has an amazing work ethic and puts out positive actions that has brought good karma into her life. She's the kind of person who introduces others to her agent. She's the kind of person who helps a newbie with their query letter. She's the kind of person who volunteers her to help teach what she's learned.
So why are we all so excited for her? Because.... She. Deserves. This.
One of our own has crossed the summit. A bright, shining day is ahead. And because of who Diana is and how she has supported so many people, we're all reveling in her success. Why are we all in awe? Not just because we're her friends and like her, but because she's reached an important peak. It's like the movie Bull Durham. Diana's Crash Davis...she's going to The Show. She's with a fabulous, supportive publisher who is promoting the hell out of her book, getting her reviewed by top publications and other wonderful things to come. It's a dream. A debut author selling at auction on a partial. She's in The Show. No more bus trips or shower shoes...plane rides and nice hotels. LOL...well, you get the metaphor.
Bottom line...Good things come to good people and Diana deserves this wonderful release day like no other. We cheer her accomplishments. We think, if we just try that hard, it'll happen for us, too. And we cry (happy, celebratory tears) with her when we see that gorgeous hardcover on the shelf.
There have been sightings of the book, too! Gina Johnson in Tulsa found the book on the shelf at her bookstore Monday night...

...of course, being the good person she is, Gina corrected the display...

Cheers to Diana, to the person she is and the bountiful success this book is sure to bring her. Run, don't walk, to the bookstore today to buy her book!
Marley Gibson
President, Diana Peterfreund Fan Club
And since I don't have a personal blog, the ladies of TKA have been kind enough to let me gush here for a moment about a very special person.
I don't remember the exact moment when I met Diana Peterfreund, but I do know that it was in the beginning year of eHarlequin.com in their writer's community. Soon, we became members of the same critique group and quickly learned that our voices (and critiquing styles) were not going to mesh well with the other writers. But she and I meshed.

(That's us in Reno last year!)
When I walked in throught the door of the Hilton hotel at RWA Nationals New York City 2003 (literally had just gotten off the Peter Pan bus from Boston), I was jumped. And I mean jumped! Clobber-hugged by this energetic, bouncy, friendly chick who recognized me immediately from my picture. (My husband remembers this vividly, wondering if he should come to my rescue. *giggle*) What can I say? Diana and I bonded immediately and have stayed close friends, supportive writing pals and hard-nosed critique partners.
And today...July 18th, Diana's debut novel, SECRET SOCIETY GIRL by Delacourt, hits the shelves and the world will now know the magic of her writing.
Earlier last night, in our daily Yahoo IM session, Diana noted to me the amazing feelings she's going through awaiting the release of her book and how taken aback (in a good way) by how positive, supportive and wonderful people are reacting...how people -- particularly other writers -- are so excited for her. "Why?" she asked me.
I'll tell you what I told her...
Because...Diana Peterfreund is a pro. From Day One of this thing we call writing, she has put her all into every word, every thought, every phrase of her writing. She has studied the industry, learned the business, researched agents and editors, scoped out the best conferences to go to and the most useful contests to enter. She has approached her writing career in nothing but a professional manner and encourages others to do the same.
Secondly, Diana Peterfreund is a giver. In this world, there are givers and takers. Some people sit on the sidelines and let other people do the work or try to ride on the coattails of those who are trying. Not Diana. She's a giver. She's donated countless hours to the RWA judging and coordinating contests. She critiques for people. She's on blogs and loops and message boards sharing her industry knowledge and trying to help newbies understand the business. Give, give, give. That's always been her mantra, although she'd never sing her own praises or expect anyone else to do it.
Thirdly, Diana Peterfreund is a good soul. She tirelessly helps other writers, supports her friends, has an amazing work ethic and puts out positive actions that has brought good karma into her life. She's the kind of person who introduces others to her agent. She's the kind of person who helps a newbie with their query letter. She's the kind of person who volunteers her to help teach what she's learned.
So why are we all so excited for her? Because.... She. Deserves. This.
One of our own has crossed the summit. A bright, shining day is ahead. And because of who Diana is and how she has supported so many people, we're all reveling in her success. Why are we all in awe? Not just because we're her friends and like her, but because she's reached an important peak. It's like the movie Bull Durham. Diana's Crash Davis...she's going to The Show. She's with a fabulous, supportive publisher who is promoting the hell out of her book, getting her reviewed by top publications and other wonderful things to come. It's a dream. A debut author selling at auction on a partial. She's in The Show. No more bus trips or shower shoes...plane rides and nice hotels. LOL...well, you get the metaphor.
Bottom line...Good things come to good people and Diana deserves this wonderful release day like no other. We cheer her accomplishments. We think, if we just try that hard, it'll happen for us, too. And we cry (happy, celebratory tears) with her when we see that gorgeous hardcover on the shelf.
There have been sightings of the book, too! Gina Johnson in Tulsa found the book on the shelf at her bookstore Monday night...

...of course, being the good person she is, Gina corrected the display...

Cheers to Diana, to the person she is and the bountiful success this book is sure to bring her. Run, don't walk, to the bookstore today to buy her book!
Marley Gibson
President, Diana Peterfreund Fan Club
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Can I be the VP of the fan club?
Diana is a giver and definately a pro.
My Diana story is that when she was coordinating the Stiletto contest in 2004, she read a very early first draft of a partial of mine and sent me some nice comments and offered to help me when she mailed it back. Already something she didn't have to do... She wasn't my judge... She was the contest coordinator.
About 8 months later, I snagged an appointment with her agent, Deidre Knight at Nationals. On an aggressive whim a few months before Nationals, I e-mailed Diana asking if she'd take a look at the the chapters again and if she still liked them, could I have her permission to drop her name during my upcoming appointment.
She did so much better than that... At a party the first night in Reno, having just met me, she dragged me over to Deidre (okay, not much dragging necessary) and pitched the book for me!!!
Now, I'm represented by the fabulous Pamela Harty and I'm sure Diana's recommendation went a long way toward making that happen.
Thanks for being so supportive, Diana. I'll never forget it.
And congrats on your book launch. I spotted it at an Indigo book store in Toronto late last night. (Indigo is biggest bookchain up here) It looked bee U tee ful.
Awwww, you guys... I have to go cry now.
I love me some Diana!!! She dubbed me Novelique and from that the League of Extraordinary Gentlewomen grew. She's amazing, witty, fabulous. And so is her book!!!
woohoo! Going to go to the bookstore at lunch and pick up my newest read!
Congrats, Diana!
Marley that was a wonderful post . . . sniff.
MAJOR CONGRATULATIONS, Diana!!! A cyber toast to you on this wonderful day :)
Bonnie aka Chaptera (From the League of Extraordinary Gentlewomen)
I couldn't have said it better myself, Marley. Diana deserves this. Congrats Diana! You are incredible!!! You really are. And, so is SSG! I got friends waiting to buy it today. WOO!
Hip hip hooray!!!
*cyber toast* I like that!
CONGRATS on your release, Diana! I wish I could be there tonight for your signing in Rockville (I work only minutes from there, but need to be home). That Borders is an amazing place. I'm sure you'll have a GREAT turn out. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of your book. Good luck and I hope I get to meet you next week on Tuesday night.
Marley, what a truly lovely post. And totally deserved.
WTG Gina on sorting out the bookshelves - gave me a laugh outloud moment there!!
Diana, huge congrats on the launch of your book. I'm eagerly awaiting it's arrival.
Diana, we are all VERY proud of you!!! You have worked incredibly hard and deserve every moment of this special, special time. HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! love, Deidre
awww, thanks for the mention Marley ! I agree with it all, Diana has always been helpful and willing to answer questions, even when she didn't have to or didn't have the time too... she is one of us, one of our own. I remember the first announcement of the agent, then of the sale... now this. It is a wonderful journey to share in so thank you Diana for allowing us to be a part of it !!!
P.S. I'm about 10 pages from the freakin end but I could literally not hold the book up any longer at 2am last night so alas, I will have to finish tonight... unless I can get the little man to take a nap sometime today !
And Marley, to you, you also have been an awesome inspiration... I can't wait to share in your special day !
okay enough sap... lol Enjoy the day all, and if you haven't bought the book, well... what the heck are you waiting for?
g. (gina johnson)
Congratulations, Diana! I'm so looking forward to reading this book!
I do hope you'll be at the litaracy signing in Atlanta. I'd love to read your SSG (an autographed copy) on my flight home. --Cathy
Many, many congrats to Diana! As a fellow eHarl veteran, I've watched your progress with something approaching awe... ;-) Here's to even greater successes.
Diana I'll check in Sydney. If it isn't I'll order it. Once they order it and it sells then they usually reorder. You'll have an excuse to venture into the antipodean jungles way across the big pond. :-)
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