All I Ever Needed to Know about Promotions, I learned from a Press Release

Happy Monday! Wow, okay, that was way too cheerful for a Monday morning, but gotta get it started somehow. So, today is industry news on the TKA blog, and I'm sure that some of the agents might have some other news to add, but I thought I would go ahead and promo a little article I read last week. As you guessed from the title of this post, the article's name is "Free Mass Publicity: Press Releases That Get Published" by Cheryl Bolen in September's edition of Romance Writer's Report (RWA publication).
If you feel lost about publicity and promotions, this is the best place to start. If you can write a successful press release, you can do a publicity campaign. Interestingly enough, I had a conversation at the Chick Lit party at nationals about this very topic. All the mechanics of a successful promotions campaign is those of a press release (and to quote Ms. Bolen). They are:
Finding the "News Peg"
Slanting Your Release
I read this article on the elliptical (got a 60 mile walk ahead of me, now!) and was so happy to see someone write what I have been thinking since July. So, don’t delay and be sure you read this article as well as other info on how to make your press releases quality.
There is so much to say on this topic, but to sum it all up…
You want to write your press release so the editor doesn't have to think a moment about what to do with it, just print it! Give them a ready to publish story complete with hook, relevant information, and answers to the "So what?” or “Why is this important for us to print?” Make sure you know what real “news” is and how to MAKE your event, book signing, release, etc… “real news.”

If you're looking for a place to send them I suggest looking through the listings at It is a list of various newspapers throughout the world, particularly in the US. It will take some homework to come up with a list of places to send them, but the site will help one find them.
I believe I read somewhere that it's a good idea to hang on to your query letter and/or cover letter for this purpose. Using these as a reference can make writing the press release much easier. Is this correct?
Yes, I would say that a query/cover letter would be a great resource for your press release. Afterall, it hooked your agent/publisher, right? That is the same goal with the release! Great thoughts here...
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