Big Shelley Bradley News!

Hi, Gang:
I wanted to let you know that Shelley Bradley (whose posts you have enjoyed here on TKA's blog)has a fantastic contemporary coming out in the winter, BOUND AND DETERMINED. I'm just delighted because it's available on Amazon now, which means you can place your pre-order today.
Now, let me tell you a bit more about this one. First of all, it's a ton of fun--and a totally new direction for Shelley, which is one reason I'm so excited about it! Here's the back cover copy, which really does a terrific job of summarzing (and oh-so-evilly-tantalizing you) about the novel:
WANTED FOR KIDNAPPING: a bubbly blonde with a penchant for trouble. May be armed (with good intentions) and dangerously seductive…
Kerry Sullivan is running out of time—and patience. With her brother wrongfully accused of embezzling millions, she can’t face one more humiliating hang-up from the man she’s begging for help. Rafael Dawson may be one of the top electronic security experts in the country—and the only man who can prove her brother’s innocence—but his phone manners are appalling. Damn Yankee. Too bad kidnapping the man isn’t an option. Or is it?
There’s nothing Kerry wouldn’t do for her brother. There are lots of things she longs to do to Rafe Dawson when he’s lying tied-up and naked in her secret hideaway. Rafe is certainly something to look at, but Kerry’s brother’s life is riding on her pulling off the impossible: getting this man who’s always in control to lose it. But when the tables get turned, Kerry finds herself at the mercy of Rafe. And the only way to get her way is to let him have his way—with her…
Okay, does that not sound like a ton of fun? I heartily recommend this book to everyone visiting the blog. Again, you can pre-order it by clicking here, and you can visit Shelley Bradley on the web at
Just wanted to share that excitement. And meanwhile, more to come on other agency authors and their happenings here on this blog very soon!
Happy holidays!
I've had this on my list for a while already! I don't read historicals anymore (don't you hate when people say stuff like that? LOL) but I like Shelley (what I've seen around the web) so I was delighted to see the advance info on this book. I can't wait!
Shelley's historicals are all wonderful, and I highly recommend them. But this is definitely contemporary--I was trying to decide if based on your comment, you thought this was historical? :) I may be misreading. That's a holiday for you! D
Congrats Shelley :)
See, Deidre, this is why I tend to have long posts. :)
Though I like Shelley, I have not picked up her past books because they are historical and even when I know I like the author and would like the writing, historicals don't interest me anymore (I don't know why).
I was delighted to read the specs on the upcoming book because it's NOT historical, and I won't have any subconscious aversion to reading it. In fact, it's exactly the kind of stuff I seek out.
I never figured out why I stopped reading historicals. Before I started writing, I loved them. And I do still read outside the genres I write in, so that's not it.
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