90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN CROSSES 350,000 in print mark!!
The following is a press release issued by P.S. Media Relations concerning 90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN! Read all about this fantastic story by Don Piper and Cecil Murphey…but I'll go ahead and give you the chance to buy the book now :)

“A friend handed me this book at about midnight, and come two or three in the morning, I was still reading, my heart pumping, bumps on my arms, the hairs on the back of my neck on end. It’s a wonderful and inspiring story that brightens your perspective, giving you a sense of security, clarity and warmth.”
—Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz
Pastor’s Journey into Heaven Following Death in
Car Accident Continues to Impact Readers Globally
True story 90 Minutes in Heaven continues to sell thousands weekly, gaining global impact
Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 23, 2005—Don Piper’s 90 Minutes in Heaven (Revell, 0-8007-5949-4, $12.99) continues to inspire readers in the U.S. and around the globe, with 350,000 copies in print, a Swedish edition already in stores and translations planned for Korean and Chinese languages.
Piper receives nearly 100 emails a day from readers of the book, whose lives have been touched by Piper’s true story about his experience in heaven after he died in a car accident.
He was dead for over 90 minutes (medically documented) before he revived after a passing minister stopped and prayed for him as he lay lifeless in his car, covered with a tarp. But while he was dead, he was in heaven.
The book chronicles the accident, his time in heaven—the way it looks, how it sounds, how it feels, who he saw when he got there—his lengthy recovery from his injuries and how his life has changed.
The Bible describes the way heaven looks. 90 Minutes in Heaven is a miraculous journey of the senses—depicting the sights, sounds and feelings found within a mysterious place so unknown to the living. The book means hope and consolation for the terminally ill, the suffering, those who have lost loved ones and the rest of us who only hope to one day experience the utter peace and pure happiness found on the other side of life.
“I have an unquestionable belief that God still is in the miracle business. Too many people read about the supernatural in the Bible and think, That’s the way it was in biblical times. I’m convinced that God continues to do the more-than-ordinary. Every day I thank God that I’m a living, walking, talking miracle,” writes Piper.
American Compass, Literary Guild, Doubleday, and Crossings Book Clubs selected 90 Minutes in Heaven as a featured alternate in spring mailings.
Here’s a smattering of some sincere quotes from readers…
“You story gave me an incredible sense of hope and a new respect for the life I now have. Thank you Don. Thank you. Thank God for you. You have no idea what your story has spoken into my life.”
--Cori, an e-mail, Canada, 12/15/04
“Sweden is still in shock (2,000 Swedes died in the tsunami).The release of your book was the right timing, and I believe it brings comfort to many people. I gave one to a friend of mine who lost his 5 year old daughter. He tried to hold on to her but the current was just too strong. I have prayed and asked God for new way to reach out to people (Scandinavians) in greater ways and especially non-believers. Your testimony and your book will do just that.”
--Joel Sjoberg, e-mail, Gospel Media, Sweden, 1/7/05
“Craig (a soldier mortally wounded by a car bomb in Iraq) died of his wounds and his funeral was Wednesday. But he read your book before he died and told us he became a Christian, so it has made it some easier for us. God did heal him (he had been paralyzed from the blast) and took him to a better place.”
--Jennifer, e-mail, Shreveport, Louisiana, 12/29/04

“A friend handed me this book at about midnight, and come two or three in the morning, I was still reading, my heart pumping, bumps on my arms, the hairs on the back of my neck on end. It’s a wonderful and inspiring story that brightens your perspective, giving you a sense of security, clarity and warmth.”
—Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz
Pastor’s Journey into Heaven Following Death in
Car Accident Continues to Impact Readers Globally
True story 90 Minutes in Heaven continues to sell thousands weekly, gaining global impact
Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 23, 2005—Don Piper’s 90 Minutes in Heaven (Revell, 0-8007-5949-4, $12.99) continues to inspire readers in the U.S. and around the globe, with 350,000 copies in print, a Swedish edition already in stores and translations planned for Korean and Chinese languages.
Piper receives nearly 100 emails a day from readers of the book, whose lives have been touched by Piper’s true story about his experience in heaven after he died in a car accident.
He was dead for over 90 minutes (medically documented) before he revived after a passing minister stopped and prayed for him as he lay lifeless in his car, covered with a tarp. But while he was dead, he was in heaven.
The book chronicles the accident, his time in heaven—the way it looks, how it sounds, how it feels, who he saw when he got there—his lengthy recovery from his injuries and how his life has changed.
The Bible describes the way heaven looks. 90 Minutes in Heaven is a miraculous journey of the senses—depicting the sights, sounds and feelings found within a mysterious place so unknown to the living. The book means hope and consolation for the terminally ill, the suffering, those who have lost loved ones and the rest of us who only hope to one day experience the utter peace and pure happiness found on the other side of life.
“I have an unquestionable belief that God still is in the miracle business. Too many people read about the supernatural in the Bible and think, That’s the way it was in biblical times. I’m convinced that God continues to do the more-than-ordinary. Every day I thank God that I’m a living, walking, talking miracle,” writes Piper.
American Compass, Literary Guild, Doubleday, and Crossings Book Clubs selected 90 Minutes in Heaven as a featured alternate in spring mailings.
Here’s a smattering of some sincere quotes from readers…
“You story gave me an incredible sense of hope and a new respect for the life I now have. Thank you Don. Thank you. Thank God for you. You have no idea what your story has spoken into my life.”
--Cori, an e-mail, Canada, 12/15/04
“Sweden is still in shock (2,000 Swedes died in the tsunami).The release of your book was the right timing, and I believe it brings comfort to many people. I gave one to a friend of mine who lost his 5 year old daughter. He tried to hold on to her but the current was just too strong. I have prayed and asked God for new way to reach out to people (Scandinavians) in greater ways and especially non-believers. Your testimony and your book will do just that.”
--Joel Sjoberg, e-mail, Gospel Media, Sweden, 1/7/05
“Craig (a soldier mortally wounded by a car bomb in Iraq) died of his wounds and his funeral was Wednesday. But he read your book before he died and told us he became a Christian, so it has made it some easier for us. God did heal him (he had been paralyzed from the blast) and took him to a better place.”
--Jennifer, e-mail, Shreveport, Louisiana, 12/29/04
Yikes! My husband had a heart attack and was dead for 18 minutes before he was revived. The doctors at the hospital called him the miracle man, I can't imagine being dead for 90 minutes. I'll have to get this book and find out.
I read this--what an intriguing story! Cec Murphy assisted the author to tell it in a compelling manner, and they succeeded. Highly recommend it!
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