It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's SUPER-GENA!!

Really, what can this woman not do?! We here at The Knight Agency want to give our very own Gena Showalter a little pat on the back. As summer approaches Gena has a ton of amazing things going on in her writing career and we just wanted to take a moment to share some of them with everyone.
First, her newest book ANIMAL INSTINCTS is being highlighted in Cosmo magazine. Yes, no need to clean your ears out, you did in fact hear us correctly, the manual for all things hot has selected Gena’s story as their June “RED-HOT READ”! Talk about exposure!
This month Gena has also been selected to be the featured author guest on The Parallel Experience Message Board. Gena’s presence has created a huge buzz around this site, and many fans have flocked to post their questions asking about a plethora of topics ranging from her writing career to her personal life.
If you still haven’t gotten your Gena fill, go check out her “younger side” at the new YA Paranormal Blog. Here she is flexing her mind and blogging alongside other breakout YA authors (and TKA client Bev Katz-Rosenbaum) about this emerging and HOT market genre. Take a second to read some of Gena’s posts and see how she has made the transition from steamy romance author to hip YA author.
Oh yeah, and as if that weren’t enough Gena has a handful (4!) of unrelated books coming out in as many months. If you haven’t already, pick up any, heck pick up all of these great reads and settle into summer!
how did u get in cozmo? did ur agent do it? did ur publisher? itz 2 cool.
My publisher sent them a copy of the book. The book coordinator read it, loved it, and picked it and I'm so glad she did! It's been one of the most amazing things to ever happen to me!
I love reading about your successes. It's quite an inspiration to us all.
Gena, no one deserves it more than you. WOO-HOO!!!
Huge CONGRATS to you, Gena!! You totally deserve all the wonderful accolades!!
Marley = )
That's awesome Gena! I HAVE that magazine to take with me on the plane trip to RT, bought it a few days ago. So I get to check it out! I always thought it'd be so cool to have a book excerpted in Cosmo! Congrats to you!! :)
Thank you, ladies!! I'm still over the moon about everything. When they called and told me about Cosmo, I was like, "This is Gena Showalter. Are you sure you have the right girl?" :)
Wow, congrats Gena! And I can say I remember you when.... Long ago you were part of our online chapter and submitting to the critique group. Way to go on all of your success!!!
Way to go, Gena! You are an inspiration. :)
Woo Hoo, Gena!!! That's fantastic :)
Rock on, Gena! How exciting!!!
LOL! Even my word verification agrees. "yhooo" That's funny.
How cool! I remember when Kyra Davis' book "Sex, Murder and a Double Latte" was in Cosmo. She got such great publicity from that!! You go girl!
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