Our Breast Cancer Event Continues! Some Very Special Opportunities

Hi, Gang!
Elaine's critique went very quickly, so we want to offer this great opportunity to two more individuals. Sponsor Elaine Spencer in our Breast Cancer 3 Day event for $300, and you will receive a three chapter critique from her. This is good only for the first two people who sponsor her in the walk after this announcement goes live.
And I personally want to raise the ante even higher. I will give two--just two--three chapter critiques with accompanying thirty minute phone consultations to the first two people who sponor either Elaine Spencer or Julie Ramsey for $750 or higher a piece. When you consider the opportunity to get in-depth personal critique, along with career and writing consultation, I think you'd agree that it's definitely worth it for such an amazing cause.
As women--and so many of us writing romance and women's fiction are women--we are faced with this terrible disease all the time. We all have friends, mothers, or sisters who receive a breast cancer diagnosis more often than seems fair. My own mother is a victorious breast cancer survivor, which is one reason I'm so passionate about this cause.
We've chosen not to auction our critiques on ebay, but rather to keep things a bit simpler. We do hope you'll join with us in this fight to find a cure, and either sponsor us, or opt for one of these auction item critiques! Beyond that, we are still looking for team members to walk with us, no matter where you live. Imagine spending three days and sixty miles with those of us from TKA! It's a great opportunity for bonding and sisterhood, and we welcome any of you who wish to join us.
I'm a breast cancer survivor and wish I could've gone on the walk. That isn't possible, but I did sponsor Elaine. And I hope I did it in time to get one of her critique. :)
You ladies are terrific for supporting the two foundations. TKA rocks!
I lost a parent 18 months ago to cancer. It always feels good to contribute. WTG, Knight Agency!
Robyn from Oz
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