Tonight …Tonight

The Heads Up for Tonight:
At 9 PM EDT I will introduce Beverly Brandt and ask her a question to start the chat. From that point on, if everyone (who would like to participate in the conversation) would please send me (“juliekramsey”) a “private message” with your questions. I will then post each question on the general chat as Beverly answers them. This way the confusion will stay at a minimum. I will then wrap up the “official” chat at 10 PM EDT. Thanks so much for your cooperation!
Do come and stop by the chat tonight if you have a few extra minutes! I spend most of my days sitting here talking to myself--it would be nice if tonight were different. :)
Plus, I'll answer all your burning questions! Really. Anything you want to know about The Knight Agency, the crazy world of publishing, what it's like to write for two houses, or to write as two different people, or whatever. Just don't ask my weight. I won't tell you that! Although Deidre could probably guess after our recent day of hanging out by the pool... But if she reveals that, I might be tempted to call that pesky agent (Pamela Harty) who keeps hounding me to leave Deidre and sign up with her.
I will never tell! Except to say that Beverly is a lovely bathing beauty! Don't even listen to that girl. :) But DO stop by the chat! It's guaranteed to be a TKA powerhosue night!
I hated missing! I wanted to be there so badly. I bet you gals had fun.
It was awesome, Gena. So interesting to get into BB's head a little (thanks again, Beverly!). And people complained about the forum because they kept getting bumped out of the chat room, but generally I thought it was great. Like standing on a patio with these chicks, looking out over Lake Tahoe, drinking champagne and eating brie. You could almost hear the giggles.
I got kicked off a couple of times, too, but it started to seem like a rite of passage. :)
Thanks to everyone who was able to make it--there were lots of great questions and I had a lot of fun. Hope you all did, too!
(And sorry you couldn't make it, Gena!)
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