One back...the other gone away...

Well, not yet. Judson Knight will be traveling to Nashville, TN next week to attend the American Christian Fiction Writers annual conference. Anyone who is attending can schedule an agent appointment with him. He will be available to review a sample chapter at that time. (a very cool opportunity!)
As for the conference itself, here's just a few of the details. The keynote speaker is award winning editor and best selling novelist Karen Ball. As I browse through the program's schedule, I find such fun titled workshops as "The Agent/Author Relationship" (Ooo...we like that one!), "Fiction 101", and "Making A Living At Writing" (well.. of course!). If you have a moment, you should take a look. There's definitely some pretty neat stuff going on. But, don't worry...when Judson returns, we'll give ya an update on how this adventure played out!
I was fortunate to meet Judson at the ACFW conference! What a wonderful experience! So outgoing and easy to talk with.....I'm so glad he was able to attend!
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