Another TKA Chats Success!

Last night TKA chats hosted Bantam Dell editor Kerri Buckley for informative discussion and question/answer time. Just as with Beverly Brandt, there was so much knowledge and insight to gobble up. Here’s some of what I took away from the chat last night.
Let’s talk about trends…
It looks like the YA genre is on the rise as well as the idea of genre blending novels such as in the field of paranormal romance because these books attract more than one audience. Another currently visible trend is that YA has gained an older readership. Many suggestions popped up concerning the reason for this movement including that many romance characters appear “behind the times” as well as this genre could be the new avante garde because these writers are willing to put themselves on the line and push the envelope of this generation. Oh and by the way, Chick Lit is not “done” or “over.” The market for this genre is staying strong. Just remember, authors, to always find ways to incorporate fresh, new ideas and blend genres if ya can (again, appeals to a wider market).
Got room in there for me, Danielle?
Danielle Steel has definitely cornered the market and created her own niche and following, but does that mean that there is not room for other glitz and glamour authors to squeeze in there with her? Not necessarily. While due to these simple facts, the available space might be a tight squeeze, adding your own special flavor may attract some of Steel’s fans in between her new releases and get you on your way to finding your own niche.
Ahh.. the college days.
What’s being seen too much on Kerri’s desk? Very nice, small novels written by recent college grads recounting the magical four or so years. However, overall 18-22 year old heroines are not to be called “off-limits.” As always, it depends on the project, the story, and the current market.
What Kerri reads outside of work?
Well, she claims to be “all over the place.” On her bedside table right now? James Frey, David Sedaris, DuBois’s SOULS OF BLACK FOLK, and THE RISE OF VIAGRA by Meika Loe.
A big THANK YOU goes out to Kerri for sharing her Sunday evening and allowing us to get inside her mind. Also, thanks to everyone who attended. We had 40 people in the room on average. Once again, a spectacular success! Stay tuned in to find out who we have on the slate next…
What I really appreciated was the orderly way people handled the questions. I've heard horror stories about other chats (not here of course) about people interrupting, jumping in when not in turn etc. The order made the chat very productive.
I couldn't stay much beyond the end of the chat but what struck me was how the conversation veered to what's going on with the hurricane and the genuine concern expressed by chat participants.
All in all, a very enjoyable, informative evening.
Thanks for the summary, TKA. Much appreciated.
I enjoyed last night's chat and look forward to the next one. We're getting better at it, lol. This was the first time Yahoo didn't kick me out of the chat room.
Thanks so much for the summary! I couldn't participate in the chat, for I was trying to get in contact with some friends near NOLA to make sure they could get evacuated safely. I think all the prayers did the trick--the French Quarter is standing, if soggy, and the Dome stayed mostly intact. Whew!
But next time, I'll be listening in. And guess what--isn't tomorrow the day we get to find out who wins the query/blurb contest or whatever we were calling it?
And the magic word is "oxbowz" down there for verification--the oxbowz incident.
Wow! What fantastic information! Thank you so much!
Thanks for the summary Julie. I was out of town at a writer's conference and missed the chat.
How long is the typical young adult novel, say for teens? I've been thinking about writing one for a while.
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