Bantam Dell Editor on TKA Chats...TONIGHT!

I promised you a teaser...and here it is:
Tonight from 9-10 PM EDT, TKA chats will be hosting Bantam Dell editor Kerri Buckley. This is definitely an opportunity you do not want to miss. She has a great deal of insight for all you published and aspiring writers. Just to whet your appetite though... I asked her a few questions this week. Kerri not only is as cute as a button (always thought that saying was odd) but also has a brain packed full of knowledge that she can't wait to impart to us all.
So here ya go... a taste for what's to come tonight. Don't miss it!
1. What is your favorite book of all time?
That would be WHERE I'M CALLING FROM, by Raymond Carver. I was given this collection of short stories in college (by someone who has since turned out to play a pivotal role in my life) and revisit it constantly. As far as novels go, though, I'd have to go with Irving's THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP.
2. What would you say is key to defining a great relationship with your editor as an author?
I think honesty is the most important factor when you're looking to cultivate a great relationship with your editor. If something isn't working, bring it to the forefront immediately and let's get it taken care of! Shoot straight so you can work together.
3. What is the most rewarding aspect of being an editor at Bantam Dell?
Oh, there are so many!
I have been extremely impressed by -- and am very, very grateful for the guidance given to me by (much) more senior editors at BD. It is rewarding to feel valued, like taking the time to teach me things is worth it. The opportunity to present potential projects to a receptive, extremely intelligent audience is another one of my favorite parts about the way Bantam Dell operates. Our editorial meetings are very open and rather amazing.
4. What is one piece of advice you wish you could shout from the mountain tops and all writers, agents, and publishers would listen?
SPELLCHECK YOUR QUERY LETTERS? (kidding. sort of.) How about something relating to giving us young'uns a chance? We've had great teachers and are raring to go!
5. Tell us a bit about Maude:
Maude is simply the best little dog that ever was. She's my roommate and favorite companion, and I can't imagine life without her. (awww!!!)
Ready for more? Join us tonight from 9-10PM EDT on the TKA yahoo group chat. Not a member yet? No problem. Follow this link to sign up!
I cannot wait until 9 pm tonight! Kerri is a terrific editor, and I know she'll have a wealth of insight for all of us. See you there!
Thanks for giving us this opportunity to meet Kerri. I'm looking forward to it!
Thank you Kerri for the great chat and thank you Deidre for having the chat!
Many thanks to The Knight Agency, as well as Kerri, for hosting a wonderful chat. The session was very much appreciated.
Will the transcript of the chat be available online for those of us who were unable to participate?
Sorry I missed the chat. Had to pick up my son from church camp. I'd also like to see the transcripts if they're available.
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