Just Making Sure You Got It...

Since this was posted over the weekend and among all the fun news about our new office space as well as our new cyberchat space, I thought I would repost all the exciting news about upcoming give aways by simply being a member of the yahoo groups! Enjoy!
In the coming weeks TKA will begin giving away autographed books (Gena Showalter, Lauraine Snelling, Cara Lockwood... and more!) and other fun things on our agency e-group. But guess what? To qualify, you obviously have to be a member! That's also the main way you'll know all the latest on our upcoming chats with editors and authors. In the future, we already have Berkley Publishing Group's Kate Seaver joining us. And of course many more publishing professionals will chat, sharing their insights on the industry--possibly even agents from other firms! So, that now would be a great time to join the egroup, don't ya think?
alt="Click here to join Knightagency">Click to join Knightagency
Not only that, but as mentioned here previously, Deidre is planning some very exciting giveaways on her author e-group, as well. In a few weeks, one lucky winner will take home a very early ARC of PARALLEL ATTRACTION--but there will also be other prizes then, too. To celebrate the book's publication in April, she will be giving away an iPod Nano! So you obviously want to join the group and stay tuned for all sorts of tidbits about the Parallel Series.
alt="Click here to join DeidreKnight">Click to join DeidreKnight
Don't miss out on these excellent opportunities to win some cool stuff and keep up to date on all the fab news at the same time!
Thanks Julie. I'm assuming if we already belong to the two groups we're in, right???
Great prizes but I suspect lots of us belong cause it's such a great agency :)
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